"I was made for another planet altogether. I mistook the way."
“I was made for another planet altogether. I mistook the way.” - Simone de Beauvoir (via fetishofsilence)
View Articledappledwithshadow: Jan Sluijters (Dutch, 1881-1957)
dappledwithshadow:Jan Sluijters (Dutch, 1881-1957)
View Article"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass...
“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your...
View Articlemusevault: violet-backed starling. photo by malcssclam.
musevault:violet-backed starling. photo by malcssclam.
View Articlethe-faces-of-art: kees van dongen, woman with cherries on hat,...
the-faces-of-art:kees van dongen, woman with cherries on hat, 1905 (x)
View Articlebofransson: Gabriele Münter (German, 1877-1962) Zinnien und...
bofransson:Gabriele Münter (German, 1877-1962) Zinnien und weiße Rose
View Articleerikkwakkel: Survivor of a disaster Picture this. For thousands...
erikkwakkel:Survivor of a disasterPicture this. For thousands of years the ancient Nubian city of Faras, on the border of Egypt and Sudan, was a major centre of trade and culture. Numerous artists were...
View Articleplasticbeaches: ”i paint myself because i am so often alone”
plasticbeaches:”i paint myself because i am so often alone”
View Articlebooks0977: The Dancers Revel and Coco (c.1909-1910). Kees van...
books0977:The Dancers Revel and Coco (c.1909-1910). Kees van Dongen (Dutch, Fauvism, 1877-1968). Oil on canvas.
View Articleloverofbeauty: Kiki Smith: WE see each other (2010)
loverofbeauty:Kiki Smith: WE see each other (2010)
View Articleblastedheath: Léon De Smet (Belgian, 1881-1966), Nature morte...
blastedheath:Léon De Smet (Belgian, 1881-1966), Nature morte aux fleurs, 1928. Canvas, 65 x 70 cm.
View Articlestirica70: Villages s’endormant Toile de Marc Chagall Villages...
stirica70:Villages s’endormantToile de Marc ChagallVillages s’endormant, on peut croire qu’ils meurentAu temps où le soleil…View Post
View Article"To be an artist or a writer is to be this weird thing — a hand worker in an...
“To be an artist or a writer is to be this weird thing — a hand worker in an era of mass production.” - Susan Sontag on writing, productivity, elitism, and the purpose of literature (via explore-blog)
View Articleloftcultural: Gustav Klimt - The Dancer (1918)
loftcultural:Gustav Klimt - The Dancer (1918)
View Article"Attract what you expect, Reflect what you desire, Become what you respect,...
“Attract what you expect, Reflect what you desire, Become what you respect, Mirror what you admire.” - (via cultivate-solitude)
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